Putting a shape on words…

Tom and Knut getting to grips with the Concern Design Brief.
An overview of how we interpreted Concern’s ‘Design Brief’ and how we came to the final design that won us the contract…
©Please be aware that this presentation on this website is made by the creators:
Tom Roche – Just Forests Ltd and Knut Klimmek – Klimmek Furniture to Concern Worldwide
It is made in good faith and presented here for your information and enjoyment only with the understanding that rights to copyright and design protection will reside with the creators and be respected – thank you.
After Concern had put out the call for submissions from interested parties in early 2018, I contacted my good friend Knut Klimmek to see if he would come on board with me and make a submission.
Like myself, Knut jumped at the opportunity. Here was an opportunity in a lifetime – an organisation like Concern only marks it’s 50th anniversary once and we were not going to let this opportunity slip by. So Knut and I met on a few occasions in his premises and in mine to first get to grips with the Design Brief Concern had issued to all interested parties.
The Design Brief contained ‘buzz words’ like: Giant/Compassionate/Cando/Limerick/OurHistory/Famine/Hunger/Conflict/Africa/Respect/Dignity/Ambitious/Pragmatic/Family, Faith and Concern.
How were we going to put shapes on such emotive words and what they stand for? Fortunately for me , Knut is a fabulous artist and between us – his artistic skills and my development education (DE) mentality, we were able to graphically convert the concept of the Design Brief into actual understandable shapes. Then Knut – using his technology skills converted all our thoughts and scribbles into a 3D graphic which we submitted to the Concern Selection Committee as our interpretation of Concern’s Design Brief.